Do all wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are teeth that may grow in at the very back of your mouth. These teeth are unnecessary, so dentists often remove them even if they aren't giving you trouble. However, there are some situations where the individual decides to leave them where they are unless they create oral health issues. Here are some different situations where it is time to have the wisdom teeth removed.

The Wisdom Tooth is Infected

Having an infection of one of your wisdom teeth is one of the most common reasons to have it extracted. While there are treatments for infected teeth, such as getting a root canal, there is really no reason to have it done on a wisdom tooth. They are so far in the back of your mouth that nobody will notice you have a tooth removed and it is very difficult for an endodontist to perform treatment at that angle. In the case of an infection or tooth abscess, you are better off just getting it removed at that time. It gets rid of the infection and solves other issues associated with having a wisdom tooth.

Other Teeth Are Being Affected

A wisdom tooth might also need to be removed if it is having a negative effect on your other teeth or your nerves. For example, a wisdom tooth might have grown in at an angle, where it is pushing against one of your back molars. Over time, this can cause your teeth to start to shift. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can also lead to your teeth becoming misaligned, which would then require orthodontic treatment to fix it. It is best to have the tooth removed if it is growing in at an angle. It might also be growing in too close to a nerve, which could do permanent damage.

They Are Becoming Hard to Clean

You may also notice that your wisdom teeth are extremely hard to clean. They are so far in the back of your mouth, that you might have difficulty brushing and flossing them effectively. If they aren't getting clean enough, the bacteria can lead to plaque, which may then harden and become tartar on the teeth. Not only will this require professional cleaning from your dentist, but the decay can cause many other problems as well. You will be better off having an oral surgeon remove the teeth so you don't increase your risk for tooth decay or infection.

For more information, talk to a dental clinic.
