Signs You Should See a Dentist for a Toothache

A toothache can be one of the most irritating and painful experiences. If you're experiencing tooth pain, it's essential to take care of it as soon as possible. Many times, a toothache is not the only symptom, and you might just need to visit a dentist for treatment and relief. This blog post will discuss five signs that indicate you should see a dentist for a toothache. Tooth sensitivity:  If your teeth feel sensitive to hot, cold or sweet food and drink, it could be a sign of tooth decay.

Can You Exercise After Dental Implant Surgery?

You'll want life to return to normal as quickly as possible after your dental implant surgery. Despite the simplicity of the surgery (it's an outpatient procedure performed under local anaesthetic), you can't forget that you're still undergoing surgery, so some precautions are essential. Some of these can be quite obvious—like moderating what you eat while your jaw heals. But what about exercising after your dental implant surgery? A Small Break

The Surprising Effects of Stress on Oral Health

Stress is a common part of life, and its impact on your overall well-being is well-documented. However, what you may not realise is that stress can also have significant effects on your oral health. From teeth grinding to gum disease, the connection between stress and oral health is a fascinating and often overlooked area. Scroll down to find out more. Bruxism Stress can manifest in various ways, and one of the most common oral health issues associated with stress is bruxism, also known as teeth grinding.

5 compelling reasons to have a family dentist

Having a family dentist is one of the best decisions you can make for your health and wellbeing. A family dentist can provide comprehensive oral care for all members of your family, offering preventive, restorative and cosmetic services to keep everyone's smile looking and feeling healthy. Here are five compelling reasons why having a family dentist should be at the top of your list when it comes to taking care of your oral health.

Weighing The Benefits of Full Dentures vs. Partial Dentures

Are you contemplating getting dentures? There are four types of dentures, including partial, full, flexible and implants. For some individuals, the best choice is often clear. For others, however, several options might successfully restore oral health. When contemplating getting dentures, a dentist can offer guidance to help you make an informed decision.  To help you weigh down your options wisely, here is an overview of the advantages of getting full dentures versus partial dentures.