Are Nuts Good For Your Teeth?

If you're looking for a healthy snack that is also tooth-friendly, you may have been told that nuts are just the ticket. Nuts have some dental benefits that other snacks don't give you; however, they do have some downsides. Keep reading to learn how good are nuts for your teeth and if they will cause your teeth any problems.

The Advantages of Eating Nuts

Nuts are relatively sugar-free, giving them a big advantage as a snack between meals. If you eat a sugary snack or even a piece of healthy fruit, your teeth may suffer from the stuff your snack leaves behind. Sugary snacks may coat your teeth in sugar; fruits contain natural acids and sugars that may also pose a problem. These sugars and acids can affect your teeth's enamel, causing problems such as erosion and decay. The minimal sugar content of nuts doesn't cause this kind of issue.

Nuts are also incredibly nutrient rich and are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. For example, nuts contain things like calcium and magnesium, both of which can help keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Plus, the effort you have to put into eating nuts also comes with some dental benefits. When you chew a lot, you produce more saliva. This saliva helps clean your mouth. The abrasive nature of nuts also rubs against your teeth. This rubbing action cleans plaque and minor stains from your teeth, giving them an impromptu polish that may make your teeth look brighter and whiter.

However, while nuts are good for your teeth, you do need to be careful with them. Snacking on nuts may have some downsides.

The Disadvantages of Eating Nuts

The hard texture of nuts may help clean off your teeth; however, this texture may bring its own problems. For example, hard foods like nuts may damage your teeth, creating cracks in them that may need dental treatment. Nuts may also be a problem if you have weak areas on a tooth or an old filling that may be damaged when you eat something hard.

Warning: Using your teeth to crack open nuts in their shells is never a good idea. Your teeth may be strong enough to crack shells; however, this is also likely to crack your teeth over time.

The pieces of nut you create when you chew down on a whole nut may also give you problems. For example, small pieces of nuts may get trapped between your teeth when you eat them. If left in place, these pieces may turn into plaque, possibly leading to tooth decay or gum problems.

Tip: If you snack on nuts, it's worth flossing to get rid of any pieces that have become stuck between your teeth. If you can't floss straight after eating nuts, make sure to add a floss to your evening brushing routine.

It's also important to remember that not all nuts are good for your teeth. Ideally, you should eat raw nuts that are untreated. It's best not to eat nuts that have added flavourings or coatings. Natural nuts may be tooth-friendly, however, treated nuts may cause tooth damage, especially if you eat nuts with a sugary coating.

For more information, ask your dentist about choosing nuts as a snack. 
