Want Fuller Lips? Dental Veneers Could Be The Answer

In 2015, Kylie Kardashian received negative attention when girls tried to emulate her fuller lips by sucking on a glass or cup for a few minutes. Full lips followed thanks to the extra blood that was diverted into them, but so did some painful side effects. Full lips can increase confidence, and if you are considering veneers to fix a gap issue in your teeth, you could get the side effect of fuller lips. These are the points you need to know.

How Do Veneers Change Lips?

Veneers are very thin strips of porcelain which are bonded onto the base of your natural teeth. You may be considering them because they will reduce the large gaps between your teeth as each veneer will be made slightly wider than the tooth it is bonded to.

However, even though the veneers are super thin, they are still thick enough to increase the depth of your teeth. This extra depth, in turn, pushes out the curve of your lips, and that makes them appear fuller than before.

What Are The Benefits Of Veneer-Enhanced Fuller Lips?

Aside from the fact your confidence is going to increase because of your fuller, no-gap smile, there are two other benefits of gaining fuller lips when you have veneers done:

  1. This is a semi-permanent change that does not need retreatment very often. Veneers last anywhere from seven to twenty years. If you choose to have fuller lips done by using injected fillers, you need to repeat these treatments much more often. 
  2. If you already suffer from wrinkles around the mouth, these should be reduced because of change to the shape of your lips. Because your lips get pushed out slightly, the skin around your lips tightens, and this reduces or removes the wrinkles which were there.

What Are The Negatives Of Veneer-Enhanced Fuller Lips?

The only negative of this process is that if you don't like your new fuller lips the only remedy is to have the veneers removed. This also impacts on the reason that you had the veneers added in the first place, so you would need to find an alternative method to reduce your teeth gaps, such as the installation of braces.

Your cosmetic dentist can give you an indication of how much your mouth shape will change during your consultation with them. However, if you're looking for an added benefit about getting your gaps reduced with veneers, fuller lips is a great benefit to get.
