Getting Back Into Good Habits After Neglecting Your Dental Care

A good dental care routine is something that most people develop from an early age, starting healthy habits that last for life. Unfortunately, not everyone always takes care of their teeth, which can lead to a wide range of health problems.

Maybe you never really got into the habit when you were young, and your dental health has suffered as a result. Or perhaps you went through a period of poor mental or physical health that led to neglecting your personal hygiene. Whatever your reason, it's never too late to start caring for your teeth again, and doing so can turn your health around. Here are some tips to help you get back into the habit.

Get the right equipment

A new start doesn't necessarily mean you need new equipment, but it can be a helpful way to mark your newfound commitment. If you can afford it, buying an electric toothbrush can make you feel more invested, but it's not necessary.

If you've been neglecting your dental care, you might find your gums are sensitive and bleeding. Get a soft-bristled brush to reduce irritation, and consider using chlorhexidine mouthwash to fight gum disease.

Talk to a dentist

Dental neglect and fear of dentists often go hand in hand. As a first step, talk to a dentist or a dental assistant and let them know what you've been going through.

They shouldn't pressure you to make an appointment, but it's a good start to getting back on track with regular care.

Give yourself reminders

When you're out of the habit, it's easy to forget to brush your teeth twice a day, plus things like flossing and using mouthwash.

Setting reminders on your phone is a good way to help your routine develop. Alternatively, leaving some written notes to yourself in key locations will ensure you remember.

Get people to help you

If you have close friends or family members you live with, they can be very helpful with gentle reminders and guidance. It's important that it's someone you trust not to judge you or make you feel negative, but if there's someone who fits the bill, it's a good idea to get them onboard.

Check your diet

While you're making efforts to take better care of your teeth, it's extremely important to limit any damage your doing – especially if you're putting off going to the dentist at first. Try to cut down on sugar, especially in the form of sweets and soft drinks, and watch out for foods that contain a lot of acids. This is a key part of improving your dental health so you minimise the risk of problems in the future.
