4 Treatments For Sensitive Teeth

Having sensitive teeth can make it hard to enjoy your favourite foods and drinks. This blog post discusses four treatments for sensitive teeth. We will also provide tips on preventing tooth sensitivity in the future. Let's get started!

Apply a fluoride varnish

You may be experiencing sensitive teeth if you feel pain or discomfort when eating or drinking hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods. If the sensitivity has been triggered by gum recession, your dentist may recommend a fluoride varnish. You can typically apply this treatment directly to the exposed root surfaces of your teeth. This type of varnish contains a high concentration of fluoride, which helps to strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity. In addition, the varnish creates a barrier that protects your teeth from further damage. If you are concerned about sensitive teeth, be sure to discuss your symptoms with your dentist as they can help you work out the best course of treatment.

Use a sensitive toothpaste

If you have sensitive teeth, it can be painful it can be to eat or drink anything hot or cold. Your dentist may recommend using a brand of toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. These kinds of toothpaste typically contain ingredients that help to block the channels that lead to the nerves in your teeth. 

Use a soft toothbrush and mouth wash

Your dentist may also advise the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid brushing too hard. In addition, your dentist may suggest a fluoride mouth rinse, which can help to strengthen the enamel on your teeth enamel making them less sensitive.

Use a mouth guard at night

Your dentist may suggest using a mouth guard at night if you have sensitive teeth. A mouth guard is a plastic or silicone appliance that covers your teeth and gums and helps to prevent you from grinding or clenching your teeth. Mouth guards are available over-the-counter or can be custom-made by your dentist. If you wear a mouth guard at night, you should remove it during the day so that you can clean your teeth properly. It is also a good idea to clean your mouth guard regularly with disinfectant and water to prevent any risk of infection.

If you are struggling with sensitive teeth, talk to your dentist about a good way to care for them. With the proper treatment, you can enjoy relief from any pain and discomfort you are experiencing. 
